Phenomenal Grit, Career Conversations for Women of Color

Turning Challenges Into Opportunities with Imani Bashir, Journalist, Storyteller & Entrepreneur

Alia Kemet Season 1 Episode 14

Have you ever met someone you instantly know is an absolute star--someone who lights up the room with their energy and joy? This is what it's like to be in the company of this week's Phenomenal Grit guest.

I am absolutely in love with this conversation and so excited to feature journalist, storyteller, and entrepreneur--Imani Bashir. This is a conversation full of grit, laughter and lessons. Learn how Imani began and grew her career. If you are looking to be inspired to turn challenges into opportunities this conversation is for you. No Grit. No Pearl. Enjoy the conversation.

About Imani Bashir
Imani Bashir is a Black American Muslim journalist and thought-leader who has appeared in Forbes, The NY Times, Glamour Magazine, BBC, and many media outlets around the world. Having lived in 5 countries, her storytelling speaks of cultural connectivity, social issues, and alternative living as an expatriate. Having lived in Wuhan, China at the beginning of the pandemic, Bashir and her family were displaced for 7 months living in hotels and Airbnb's.

Throughout that time Bashir continuously created work that dispelled prejudices surrounding COVID-19, leaned into transparency of being separated from her husband and son due to border closings, and as a result of living out of luggage, stepped into her entrepreneurial spirit to create her own line called The Takeoff Collection. 

Her greatest goal as a Black Muslim woman that considers themselves a global citizen is to champion travel through the lens of togetherness, immersion, and acceptance. She can be found on all social media platforms @sheisimanib